Terms of Use

Article 1 [Purpose)

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities between YooDK and users in relation to the use of services provided by YooDK.

Article 2 (Definition)

The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.

  1. “YooDK” is a web hosting service operated by YooDK Hosting.
  2. “User” refers to a person who uses YooDK’s services.
  3. “Service” refers to services such as web hosting and domains provided by YooDK to users.
  4. “Use Agreement” refers to the contract concluded between YooDK Hosting (YooDK) and the user in relation to the use of the service.

Article 3 (Effectiveness and change of terms and conditions)

  1. These terms and conditions become effective upon posting on YooDK's website.
  2. YooDK may change these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not conflict with the regulations of the terms and conditions.
  3. Changed terms and conditions will become effective upon posting on YooDK's website.
  4. If users do not agree to the changed terms and conditions, they may stop using the service.

Article 4 (Establishment of Use Agreement)

  1. The service agreement is established when YooDK approves the user's application for service.
  2. YooDK may not accept your application for use in any of the following cases.
    • When consent is difficult due to reasons attributable to the user
    • If it violates the law or is against public order or morals.
    • If a user engages in an act unfavorable to YooDK in relation to YooDK's services
    • In other cases, YooDK does not accept the application for use based on reasonable judgment.

Article 5 (Procedures and methods of application for use)

  1. Application for use is made online on YooDK’s website.
  2. When applying for use, you must provide information requested by YooDK, such as your name, resident registration number, address, phone number, email address, and purpose of service use.

Article 6 (Termination of Service Agreement)

  1. The service agreement ends upon termination by the user or termination by YooDK.
  2. Users may terminate the service agreement at any time by notifying YooDK of their intention to terminate.
  3. When YooDK terminates the service agreement, it will notify the user of the reason for termination.
  4. YooDK may terminate the service agreement if any of the following reasons arise.
    • If the user violates these terms and conditions
    • If the user uses the service to commit an act that violates the law
    • If the user does not use the paid service
    • In other cases where YooDK needs to terminate the service agreement based on reasonable judgment.

Article 7 (User Obligations)

  1. Users must comply with the following obligations.
    • Comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding the use of YooDK’s services.
    • Do not infringe on the rights of others in relation to the use of YooDK's services.
    • In relation to the use of YooDK's services, you will not defame YooDK or interfere with its business.
    • Do not post or distribute harmful information or pornography in connection with the use of YooDK's services.
    • You will not infringe YooDK's intellectual property rights in relation to the use of YooDK's services.
    • Do not interfere with or interfere with the service stability of YooDK in relation to the use of YooDK's services.

Article 8 (YooDK’s Obligations)
  1. YooDK must comply with the following obligations.
    • We will strive to facilitate users’ use of the service.
    • We will strive to protect users’ personal information.
    • Promptly and appropriately handle any problems that arise while users are using the service.

Article 9 (Use of Service)

  1. Users must not engage in any of the following acts when using the services provided by YooDK.
    • Providing false or fraudulent information
    • Acts that infringe upon copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights of YooDK's services.
    • An act that defames or insults another person’s reputation.
    • Actions that infringe or threaten the rights of others
    • Using the service for illegal or unfair purposes
    • Actions that undermine the service stability of YooDK
    • Acts that cause damage or inconvenience to others in relation to YooDK's services.

Article 10 (Provision and suspension of services)

  1. YooDK does its best to provide stable services.
  2. YooDK may stop providing services for the following reasons.
    • In unavoidable cases due to repair or construction of service facilities
    • When a basic telecommunications business operator stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act suspends telecommunication services
    • If other unavoidable reasons occur

Article 11 (Use fees and payment method)

  1. YooDK may charge fees for services provided to users.
  2. Usage fees are determined according to what is posted on YooDK's website.
  3. Users must pay usage fees according to the method set by YooDK.

Article 12 (Refund of usage fee)

  1. If the user terminates the service agreement for the services provided by YooDK, the user may receive a refund of the service fee.
  2. Refunds of usage fees will be made within 30 days from the date of termination of the usage agreement.
  3. Users must apply for a refund of usage fees according to the method set by YooDK.

Article 13 (Compensation for Damages)

  1. Even if YooDK is responsible for compensating users for damages, this is limited to cases where the damages were caused by YooDK's intent or gross negligence.
  2. When YooDK compensates for a user's damages, YooDK may reduce liability by taking into account the user's negligence in the occurrence and expansion of the damage.

Article 14 (Indemnification)

  1. YooDK is not responsible for any damage caused to users due to the following reasons.
    • In case of natural disaster, war, riot, government order or regulation, or other force majeure
    • In case of reasons attributable to the user
    • In case of illegal acts that occurred while the user was using YooDK’s services.

Article 15 (Resolution of disputes)

  1. In principle, disputes arising between YooDK and users are resolved through mutual agreement.
  2. If it is difficult to resolve the dispute through mutual agreement, the dispute may be filed in court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

Article 16 (Provision and collection of information)

  1. YooDK strives to provide users with the information necessary to use the service.
  2. YooDK complies with relevant laws and regulations when collecting and using users’ personal information.

Article 17 (Change of Terms and Conditions)

  1. YooDK may change the terms and conditions.
  2. If YooDK changes the terms and conditions, it will post the changed terms and conditions on YooDK's website.
  3. Changed terms and conditions will take effect from the date of posting.

Article 18 (Jurisdiction)

  1. Disputes that arise between YooDK and users are governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea, and the competent court is the Seoul Central District Court.

Supplementary provisions

These terms and conditions will take effect from January 30, 2024.


  1. Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to relevant laws and commercial practices.
  2. YooDK may impose sanctions on users who violate these terms and conditions.
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